Pagaruyung is located near Batusangkar, the capital of Tanah Datar Regency, West Sumatera Indonesia. Since 2001, the local authorities of Tanah Datar has started to do to transfer of Central Goverment gradually from Batusangkar to Pagaruyung. This program was begins to establish the new office of Tanah Datar Regency near by Pagaruyung Palace.
Another name of Pagaruyung Palace is Istana Basa. This place is located in Tanjung Emas, the town of Batusangkar, Tanah Datar Regency West Sumatera Indonesia. The most wanted and very welknown cultural attraction for everybody. Istana Basa is standing still until now as a replica of the original one. Its used to be located on the hill after burned out by Dutch era in 1804. Rebuild by Goverment in 1996.
To rebuild again is done by laying of the main pillar on December 27, 1976 by the Governor of West Sumatera in that time. The new one is not established from previous place but in the south. On February 27, 2007 Pagaruyung Palace was experiencing fire due to lightning that grab top of the building. As a result, all three levels was destroyed by fire. To save all of important items and documents was joined burn apart, just 15% only of the valuable source that survived. The rest of the important items are now stored in the Antique Hall at Tanah Datar Regency. The heirloom of treasures Pagaruyung istself stored at Istana Silinduang Bulan, just 2 km away from Pagaruyung Palace.
Meanwhile, the total cost to rebuild the Palace was estimated to more than IDR 20 Billion. This is the duplicate, the real one was burned fire by Netherland Indies Era in 1804. The main building is consist of 11 gonjong (Minangkabau roof style), 72 main pillar and 3 floors. The attraction for tourists are mini mosque, drum - Rankiang Patah Sambilan (an alarm for local area for prayer timer), as well as the physical of the Palace itself are equiped with the variety of carving each of shapes and colors. The carving has the philosophy, history and culture of the Minangkabau.
How to get there.
Located in Tanjung Emas Pagaruyung, 5 km from Batusangkar. Just drive a car or motorcycle. To capture completely of the Palace, come earlier and avoid the weekend, national holiday, or school holiday. Just ask your tour guide to get there.
The meaning behind the Palace and philosophy.
Pagaruyung Palace is the base place for Mingkabau Royal Family residence which at once become the center of Minangkabau Kingdom. The construction of the building is different from Royal Family and ordinary house. For Royal family plays the role in double functions, as the house for Royal family itself and as a Goverment of the Kingdom of the Minangkabau led by a King as "Rajo Alam" or "King in the Minangkabau Kingdom".
Istana Basa means large Palace or great masterpieces. The Royal Palace is still continuing for improvement some modifications where the first Palace was located on a hilltop of Batu Patah (the hill located behind the Palace is standing now) then move to Ranah Tanjung Bungo and last in Gundam. This is the last piece of masterpiece of Pagaruyung to preserve the value of local custome, arts, and cultures as well as the history of the Minangkabau.
The principal of Pagaruyung Palace has criterias and all of the components behind the Palace inside and outside. They are associated to the Palace itself how to treat the Kingdom as a ordinary people want to proceed the luxury local ettiquette.
1. The Throne (Bundo Kanduang Altar)
Located at the first floor standing around the entrance. Around here, you can see the last King of Pagaruyung photo Sultan Alam Bagagarsyah. The altar is encircled with hanging curtain on left and right side. Bundo Kanduang is sitting and look around who is coming or to manage all of people when meeting is ready and all of everything on the house.
2. All rooms
This room occupied by daughter. If the King's daughter married. The first room or the far right side was occupied by her and others for other sisters have families as well. Pagaruyung Palace have 9 spaces, one room was used of the path to kitchen is called "selasar". First room that started on the right side of entrance of the house. Another meaning of this is "home base" and the last room of the left side is called "end of house".
3. Anjuang Rajo Badindiang (the place for King)
On the right of based of the house had three levels which served as a place of hearing, the second level is King's rest place, the third place is King's bed.
4. Anjuang Silver (for Queen's mother).
Located on the left of the house have the functions for Queen's mother purposes. For meeting femininity in first level, for the rest on the second level, and bed on the third level.
5. Bandua Tangah (Family room)
Located infront of the room of King's daughters. The location is serving for family or relatives who associated to the rooms belongs to each of King daughter's family.
6. Bandua Tapi (Meeting room for local rule purposes)
Located at "Bandua Tangah" which served as a place for important person in this areas to attend the meeting. Ninik Mamak (is the person incharge as an uncle) sitting at back of all rooms
7. Tango (The color symbols)
Tango is associated to the various color symbols. Color refected of the local wisdom respect for their kings and welcoming signed for King's visitors and some souvenirs. Special cased in color, for Ninik Mamak (the "uncles" related to all important persons in area or family) the King give a black tango, Alim Ulama (scholars) in white colors, and the warriors will get a yellow colors, for little Kings also. The officers,Secretary/Cleck will give the purple.
8. Anjuang Paranginan (Unmarried daugter room).
This place for unmmaried King's daughter and other accessories for preparation of the marriage ceremony purposes.
9. Mahligai (The storage).
Located on the third floor of the house to serve a storage area and important tools of the Kingdom. The tools of Crown Royal was stored as well and created in specific place called Aluang Buniam. Special event related to King's ceremonial status all tools will be circulated from this place.
10. Tanjuang Mamutuih (The playing ground)
In this location is functional for King's son and daughter play ground such as playing a kite or other things to do for their world.
11. Pincuran Tujuh (The Bath Room)
Located back of the kitchen. Special place for Royal Family bath room only. This location has seven showers and equipped with other amenities for cleaning purposes.
The amenities of Pagaruyung Palace for Family.
As the Palace must have the amenities for all King's families. The functional of amenities to improve their life more healthy and supporting of their culture in Minangkabau.
1. Kitchen.
The kitchen has two halls, Each of hall to serve the menu and other place for kitchen tools. In that time still in traditional kitchen materials and also have 12 assistances to assist the Royal Family to do all of this things.
2. Surau (a tiny mosque).
Located behind the Palace. The main functional of this Surau is a place for prayer, learn Qur'an and as a place for King's son has baligh or aged more than 7 years and above. Additionally, they were educated to learn about law of the Goverment, law of custom, syaria, history, arts and culture, the last one is martial arts.
3. Rankiang Patah Sembilan (The storage of paddy)
Located at the house yard to store all paddies. The functional of this Rangkiang is the symbols of prosperity and strength of Natural Product of Minangkabau.
4. Tabuah Larangan (Traditional alarm for all)
There are two of Tabuah Larangan around the Palace. The first name is Tabuah Gaga that will ringing when spectacular even such as natural disaster, fires, landslides, etc. The second one is Tabuang Mambang Diawan will sounded to call all councils or important person on this areas. They are four people, Tuan (Mr) Titah at Sungai Tarab, Tuan Kadi at Padang Ganting, Tuan Indomo at Saruaso, Tuan Mankudun at Sumanik, Tuan Gadang at Batipuh, and also Tigo Selo (Raja Alam, Raja Adat, or Raja Ibadat) to attend the meeting.
5. Taman Istana (The park)
The park represented of the symbol of all potentials including facilities in Minangkabau performing in famous, more respected, more brilliant, more productive, meaningful, and also more empowered to do in various aspect of the national and a country as the whole things.
The fees to entrace Pagaruyung Palace.
Some fees need to prepare for parking fee and entrance fee. Ask your tour guide to accomplish it.
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